Monday, June 4, 2012


Critical. . . .
dictionary meaning. . .
crit·i·cal (krt-kl)
a. Of or relating to a medical crisis: an illness at the critical stage.
b. Being or relating to a grave physical condition especially of a patient.
6. Indispensable; essential: a critical element of the plan; a second income that is critical to the family's well-being.
7. Being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency:
this word showed up several times today. 
I quickly realized I was under attack. . . by the one who never wants me focusing on the praiseworthy, pure things of God, but the things this world has to offer . . .
doubt. . .
fear. . .
discouragement. . . .
How could this be?  Just minutes before. . .  I'm making bold declarations . . . expectant of the great.
And now the declining numbers are set before me and it's almost as if I forget who's in charge. . . my eyes get fixed on number 20 . . . fear sets in for the moment.  Worried about my leaving in a few days . . . .  over a thousand miles away from my family. . . . wondering how everything at home will play out in my absence.
 and just NOW as I type. . . heart's prompted. . . . I remember John 20. . .
The empty tomb. . . ALIVE!
Jesus appearing to his disciples. . . 21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
He is calling me to go . . . I must choose obedience.
I must tell Satan to get behind me . . . . AND
Thank God for calling me. . .
What a privilege!!
This was modeled earlier in the week by a dear one . . . who we call Bubba

God told him to put into practice. . . take action. . . call the warriors

Lay hands on this princess. . .
come together as a body and make declarations. . . 
So I will rise and SHOUT
I have shelter underneath his crown.
God's peace is such an amazing thing. I'll gladly be the passenger on this ride called life. I don't like being the driver. . . figuring out which road to turn down, when to stop, when to go. . . . I pray I allow Jesus to drive more often. He takes me places I never knew of.  I'm so glad he doesn't just drop me off and yell, "I'll be back to get you later."  He comes along with me. . . offers a hand when I''m scared. . .  to carry me when I'm tired. . . .  wipe my tears when I'm sad. . . I'm never alone.  Thank you God for Jesus! 


  1. OMGosh! Gorgeous! And so beautifully said. Oh God, we don't understand everything...or anything. But I praise You that You know better than we and it is a gift not to know what You know. I trust You.
    Many blessings to you Shea. And please email me some specific things I can pray for you about...I want to be able to lift you guys up daily, just say the word! Gabby and I laid hands on the computer today and prayed.

  2. You are right to continue to praise! God will conquer the evil one and lift you and your family farther than you could have ever imagined. Praise the Lord that you are worth fighting over. Thank you Jesus!

  3. Shea, you and your family are in our prayers. God is mighty and he is the great physician. Laying everything in his hands is the only way. Your strength and faith are amazing.
